Success Story: Championing Childcare for All with Pattycake Babysitting Services

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Pattycake Babysitting Services


Location: Southern California

Assistance Received: Child Care Services


Brenda Patty is the founder and owner of Pattycake Babysitting Services, a company established in March 2015. Her decision to enter the babysitting services business was driven by a recognized need for childcare in the community, serving both civilian and military families. Brenda collaborated with the YMCA to provide crucial support to families in need, particularly those with special needs, as there is an increasing number of children being diagnosed with special needs.

“Over the past three years, I have received business advice from the WBC marketing advisor. During the pandemic, I contacted the Women’s Business Center for support. Since then, my business has been listed in four online directories, a website has been created, and is now fully booked three months in advance. My business is growing due to the online presence, attracting families from out of town, and event coordinators from country clubs are reaching out for services.” — Brenda Patty.

Brenda Patty owns Pattycake Babysitting Services, a company she founded in March 2015. With over 25 years of experience in Early Childhood Education, Brenda has worked in military and civilian childcare settings. Brenda takes great pride in ensuring the provision of professional, high-quality childcare, with a strong emphasis on promoting health and safety.


Pattycake Babysitting Services offers three main types of services: 1. Date-Night Sitter, 2. Overnight Caregiver, 3. Little Helper. Date-Night Sitter allows parents to take the night off from their children and enjoy fun and romantic nights together. Parents’ wellness is just as crucial as the children’s health. Overnight Caregivers is dedicated to parents who work night shifts and need someone they trust to stay with their child overnight while they work. Little Helper is catered to support parents who need to get things done around the house and need childcare for them to clean, cook, and run their daily/weekly errands with peace of mind. This hands-on approach allows toddlers and older kids to assist with chores around the house, supervised by one of our caregivers.


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Updated: 11/20/2024

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