CalOSBA Near You

CalOSBA Regional Map

The California Office of the Small Business Advocate serves as the voice of small business, representing your views and interests and advocating for equitable access to capital, markets and resources. CalOSBA’s regional teams live and work near you so we can participate in local events and get to know our small business communities from the inside out. We want to meet you, answer your questions and support your events.

Local & Regional Economic Conferences | Ribbon-cuttings | Workshops & Webinars |

Chamber of Commerce Meetings | Lending Events | & More

Northern California Team

Clair Whitmer

Clair Whitmer

Jermaine Carter-Gibson

Jermaine Carter-Gibson

Jamie Winters

Jamie Winters

Shruti Narain

Shruti Narain

Central California Team

Bob Adams

Bob Adams

Isaiah Green

Isaiah Green

Southern California Team

Chris Earl

Chris Earl

Stephanie Garcia

Stephanie Garcia

Susana Ramirez-Muñoz

Susana Ramirez-Muñoz

Don’t Be Scared, Get Prepared

Outsmart Disaster provides California businesses and nonprofits with the training and resources needed to prepare for and recover from all types of business interruptions.

  • Download and customize your Business Resiliency Roadmap
  • Attend an online training webinar
  • Schedule an in-person training for your community

Trainings available in Spanish!

California Office of the Small Business Advocate
1325 J Street, Suite 1800
Sacramento, CA 95814
Contact CalOSBA
Speaker Request Form

Stay informed. Subscribe:
CalOSBA Newsletter

State Funding Programs
CA Grants Portal

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