Labor and Employment Training


The California Office of the Small Business Advocate (Cal OSBA) is teaming up with the California Chamber of Commerce (CalChamber) and the CalChamber Small Business Policy Council to bring small business owners a free, easy-to-understand webinar series on important labor and employment topics.

Why This Matters

Compliance with labor and employment law is critical to reducing liability and maintaining a productive workforce. Small businesses must stay informed about evolving employment laws and regulations to prevent penalties, wage disputes, and legal challenges. This training series provides expert guidance on employment laws that apply from recruiting and hiring, to wage and hour requirements, employee classification rules, employee leave rights, and other employer responsibilities—all designed to empower businesses to operate legally and efficiently while fostering a stable work environment.

March 2025 Episode on CalSavers including:

What is CalSavers, and why was it created?
What types of businesses are required to run the CalSavers program, and
which ones are not?
What exactly are businesses required to do, and by what deadline?

CalSavers YouTube Thumbnail

Upcoming Events

Save the dates for upcoming Labor and Employment Training. This monthly webinar series provides 1-hour of valuable information to help your business succeed.

Labor and Employment Training Topics Date
CalSavers Friday, March 21st
Employee Classification and Why It Matters Friday, April 18th
Seeking and Hiring New Employees Friday, May 16th
Employee Handbooks – Nice-to-have or Necessary?Friday, June 20th
Paid Sick Leave Friday, July 18th
Meal and Rest Break Obligations Friday, August 15th
Protected Time Off (PDL, CFRA, FEHA Accommodation) Friday, September 19th
Paying Your Nonexempt Employees for All Hours WorkedFriday, October 17th
Terminating and Offboarding Employees Friday, November 21st

February Webinar: New Employment Laws for 2025

Each new year brings new employment laws that California businesses must navigate. Join this informative webinar to learn about key employment law updates for 2025, including:

  • Changes in recruiting and hiring
  • Minimum Wage increases and what that means for exempt employees
  • New leaves of absence policies
  • Poster and pamphlet updates

California Office of the Small Business Advocate
1325 J Street, Suite 1800
Sacramento, CA 95814
Contact CalOSBA
Speaker Request Form

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