Success Story: Lopes Family Farms

Finding Sustainable Solutions with Lopes Family Farms
Small Business Featured: Lopes Family Farms
Location: Northern California | Glenn County | Princeton
Business Type: Agriculture
CalOSBA Partner: ChicoSTART
Assistance Received: Technical assistance and funding opportunities
Bruce and Christopher Lopes realized they needed to pivot from their old business model to something that could sustain the family long into the future because the rising costs of farming, unpredictable weather and wildly fluctuating commodity prices were leading them towards going out of business. The father and son team adapted their new practice from the Japanese style of duck rice farming due to its potential for sustainability.
The Lopes started their business out of their 113-year-old rice farm with the goal of entering the direct-to-consumer market and spreading awareness of their regenerative/organic farming practice. They had a great idea for how to turn things around, but they began to feel stuck and unsure of how to best proceed.
They connected with ChicoSTART, and Eva Shepherd-Nicoll, who wasted no time in helping the duo define their next steps. After a one-on-one consultation, Christopher said they had,” a better perspective on what we should be prioritizing, funding opportunities available and comfort in knowing that there is so much support for struggling entrepreneurs trying to build a business in our area. We left the meeting feeling so much more confident that we were on the right track and that we had the support we needed to reach our goals. Eva helped us recognize risks and opportunities we weren’t even aware of and did an amazing job of providing guidance and advice to navigate them.”
The Lopes figured the best way to accomplish their goals was to sell in bulk to school districts who were looking for CA grown, organic and sustainable sources. The Lopes Family Farms also offer to do in-class presentations to help educate students and staff on where their food comes from, the benefits of duck rice – which include substantial water savings, healthier soil, lower seed costs, and selling the ducks as a secondary crop.
“We’ve found that the school system is very excited for the opportunity to have farmers educating the kids about regenerative farming especially with the Farm to School movement growing rapidly,” said Christopher. “It’s been very rewarding hearing feedback from the
school districts about how well our rice has been received and their excitement for creating a deeper connection with the kids, where their food comes from, and the regenerative practices being used to grow it.”
If you’re interested in regenerative farming and want to learn more about the Lopes, contact them through their website: Lopes Family Farms
Updated: 12/19/2024
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