Success Story: Teranga Foods

nafy flatley of teranga foods

Bringing the Bold Flavors of Senegal to San Francisco with Teranga Foods


Location: Northern California | San Francisco County | San Francisco

Business Type: Food and Beverage

Small Business Center: Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center

Assistance Received: Technical assistance and funding opportunities

Visit Teranga Foods online


Nominated as the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center Entrepreneur of the year, Nafy Flatley brings the bold flavors of Senegal to San Francisco, sharing her culture with every dish she creates. Her work connects communities and creates a sense of belonging, grounded in her roots. In this video, watch how Nafy’s vision, combined with the support of the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, became a reality, making a lasting impact through food and community.

Nafy says the Ren Center helped her with many things including compliance, business planning, and how to do projections. She also said she felt, “like there are people out there who actually care and who really actually want to see me successful.”

Updated: 1/24/2025

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