Success Story: The Face Company

Polina and Anton Nikolaev, Face co

Put Your Best Face Forward with The Face Company


Location: Southern California | Orange County | Costa Mesa

Business Type: Beauty and wellness

Small Business Center: Orange County/Inland Empire

Assistance Received: Training, business formation, planning, location search

Visit The Face Company online

The Face Company Grand Opening

Polina and Anton Nikolaev settled their family in Orange County with the goal of living out their American dream. After spending time on the east coast, the family decided to make the move out west and to go all in on their aspirations. With Anton’s background in business and Polina’s extensive experience as a dermatologist, they put their skills together and founded The Face Company (FACECO) in Costa Mesa.

FACECO sets themselves apart by specializing in buccal massage. This technique releases deep-set muscle tension that promotes a lifted facial appearance by stimulating circulation and collagen production to enhance skin tone, elasticity, and natural contouring.

The couple connected with the Orange County Inland Empire Small Business Development Center Network (OCIE SBDC) for help and met with business consultants Robern Ahn and Michelle Chuang. The consultants helped Polina and Anton with taking their idea, skill, and unique knowledge, and creating tangible outcomes, like forming a company in a new state, crafting a solid business plan, and finding the right location. Less than a year after their first contact with the consultants FACECO celebrated their grand opening with city, county, and state officials in attendance.

Regarding working with the SBDC, Polina shared that, “everything was clearly structured, and every step was explained in detail. The personal approach was exceptional, going above and beyond. I received the best available help for starting a new business and greatly appreciate it.”

Anton and Polina have worked tirelessly to ensure the success of FACECO and are looking for opportunities to further grow their business, with the knowledge that the SBDC and the California Office of the Small Business Advocate are part of their team.

The Face Company is open for business in Costa Mesa at 170 17th Street and is looking to open a second location

Updated: 3/20/2025

California Office of the Small Business Advocate
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Sacramento, CA 95814
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