Annual Reports & Program Reports

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Annual Reports
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Program Reports

Program Reports

California Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise

The California Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise (CA RISE) delivers capital and customized technical assistance to businesses across the state that employ, train, and support talented Californians overcoming barriers to employment.

Employment social enterprises (ESEs) selected for CA RISE through a competitive grant process received a one-time grant of between $100,000 – $500,000 to support investments related to the sustainable growth of their business, increased economic mobility among their participant employees, or, in some cases, both. Visit for more information.

*Final awards are subject to change

California Nonprofit Performing Arts Grant Program

The California Nonprofit Performing Arts Grant Program (CANPPA) was created to provide grants of up to $75,000 to eligible nonprofit performing arts organizations to encourage workforce development. Visit for more information.

For technical assistance, applicants may call Lendistry’s call center Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM – 7 PM PST.

*Final awards are subject to change

California Venues Grant Program

The California Venues Grant Program (CVGP) is administered by CalOSBA through its intermediary, Lendistry, and partners of mission-based lenders and small business advisors and technical assistance providers. The Program provides competitive grants up to $250,000 to support eligible independent live events venues that have been affected by COVID-19 in order to support their continued operation.

Final awards are subject to change

California Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Grant Program

The California Small Business and Nonprofit COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Relief Grant Program is administered by CalOSBA through its intermediary, Lendistry, and community-based lenders and partners. The Program provides competitive micro grants ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 to eligible small businesses and nonprofits that provided COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave pursuant to the requirements of Sections 248.6 and 248.7 of the California Labor Code.

For technical assistance, applicants may call Lendistry’s call center Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM – 7 PM PT.

*Final awards are subject to change

Small Business Technical Assistance Programs

Through the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) and Capital Infusion Program (CIP), CalOSBA awards grants to Small Business Technical Assistance Providers that provide support to small businesses across the state.

California Small Business Ag Drought and Flood Relief Program

The California Drought and Flood Grant was created to provide grants up to $95,000,000 ($75,000,000 for Drought and $20,000,000 for Flood) for small agricultural businesses that have been affected by severe drought conditions & flooding in the State of California. Visit for more information.

For technical assistance, applicants may call Lendistry’s call center Monday – Friday from 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM PST.

*Final Awards are subject to change.

California Office of the Small Business Advocate
1325 J Street, Suite 1800
Sacramento, CA 95814
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