Mt. Shasta Counseling & Neurofeedback is a welcoming space located in the forested town of Mt. Shasta. Over the past 15 years, small business owner Amy Truby LMFT, has provided counseling services to children, families…
Read MoreRead more about Mt. Shasta Counseling & NeurofeedbackBeber was born in 2012, when founder, Arielle Danan, took her yearlong experience from organic farming abroad and applied it to almonds in her hometown of Northern California. Over the past ten years, Beber has grown from a humble start at the local Chico…
Read MoreRead more about Beber AlmondmilkKami and Mieko Scott founders of Hella Nuts started their plant-based journey in 2018. Their goal was to come up with vegan options that had no chemicals, fillers, or soy. Nothing but all natural ingredients. As a black-owned and women-owned business, Hella Nuts aims to…
Read MoreRead more about Hella NutsMary Hartley and Celeste Cramer bought the store Tomfoolery in 2023, which has been women-owned for 40yrs, since first opening its doors in 1983. They plan to bring in new lines and a fresh look to this long-term Chico business. “You can find all sorts of gifts and gadgets…
Read MoreRead more about TomfoolerySalomon moved to Halfmoon Bay from Santiago Apóstol Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2005. He came to Half Moon Bay looking for a better future for himself and his family and found his first job as a farmworker. Being new to the country, Salomon was open to working in…
Read MoreRead more about Coastside Baking Co.