Father Lorenzo Lebrija, founder of Sanctum Tequila, received a $10,000 Dream Fund grant from the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA) to grow the nonprofit organization. Sanctum Tequila was born from Father Lebrija’s volunteer…
Read MoreRead more about Sanctum TequilaRod Vandenbos had an idea for a cocktail line, so he took his idea to the Orange County/Inland Empire SBDC Network for assistance to get the idea off the ground. From this idea, buzzbox was born. Rod focused on sustainable business practices…
Read MoreRead more about BuzzboxLuz Maria Clayton reached out to the International Rescue Committee Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for guidance and technical assistance to develop her business. Together, with the SBDC’s expertise and Luz’s drive to build this business from…
Read MoreRead more about Art de LuzJake Reisdorf, Founder/Owner/Beekeeper, is turning his passion for honey into a sweet success! His business, Carmel Honey Company, was born out of a “real world” 5th grade homework project when he created a mock website about bees…
Read MoreRead more about Carmel Honey Company